
Lonely No More

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

OK, I was feeling a little guilty about Margot not only having to fill the role as my Dream Assistant but not having a friend!  Displaying jewelry, travelling to shows, always having to look your best is a big responsibility.  Sometimes you just need someone you can lean on a little bit........

When I spotted Babette (she's on the left), I knew she'd be the perfect friend for Margot!!   I was a little nervous when I introduced her to Margot but they hit it off immediately!  Now Margot doesn't have to travel to shows or be on display by herself. 

They're both the perfect props for my jewelry and find that they both add interest to my display table at shows.

It was a match made in mannequin heaven!

post signature   Until then..................Happy Beading!

Coming Up............

Friday, May 6, 2011

Can Margot really be happy by herself?  Did she really look her best in her debut appearance?

This and more about my Dream Assistant will be coming in a post very soon!

Until then...........Happy Beading!

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What do you Wear? Is Anyone Looking?

Do you participate in shows, events or fairs to sell your jewelry or other related items?  If so, do you think about what you're going to wear, what image you want to portray, or just really never thought about it?  I'm one of those people who kinda hopes that someone pays to attention to what I'm wearing when I'm out there trying to promote myself and my jewelry.  What do my clothes say about me?  I hope it says that I'm a fun gal that does FABULOUS jewelry.  This is a time when I can go outside of the day-job-fashion-attire box.

So, I'm thinking about what I want to wear for several of the upcoming Pomegranate French Flea Market events that I will be participatnig in this summer in Bend Oregon .  One evening while in Etsy I saw what I thought was a really kewl skirt.....after that first thought, I then immediately went to the next thought of "you're too old to wear something like that....what ARE you thinking?  The second thought didn't last too long as I went to CreoleSha and browsed through the shop.  I found the top of one dress that I liked and thought that I'd like that attached to the kewl skirt that I first saw.  Thus a dress was born just for me. 

Yep, this could really be outside the box for a few of you but it was love at first sight for me.  Throw on a pair of capri tights and it's an outfit....well, almost. 

Now I've got the bright idea that I want to wear cowgirl boots with this dress.  I have a good friend (who is an excellent second-hand store shopper) on the prowl for some used cowgirl boots.  Do you think she'll be successful in making this outfit what I envisioned it to be? 
Well, whether you like my funky dress or not, maybe you'll think about what YOU'LL be wearing at your next jewelry show event.  After kinda is about the GLAM of it all!

Until then.............Happy Beading!
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